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How To Have Multiple Label Font Styles In One Node

0 votes

I have multiple label lines in one node, all of which have Bold style. I want just one of the lines to also have italic style. If neccessary that line can be without Bold style. How can I have multiple styles in one label? These lines must be in a single node or appear to be a single node..

in Help by (360 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

If you want to use a single label with bold and (bold) italic text, you will have to use HTML formatting to achieve the desired result. Please see How can I achieve different text stylings within one label? for more information.

Alternatively, you could create multiple labels in one node and use one kind of text styling per label.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
Thank you thomas.behr. Can you point me to where it's described how to make multiple labels in a single node? I can't seem to find that documentation.

Well, there is a paragraph Creating Labels in the yEd manual.

You can add a label to a node by right-clicking said node to open its context menu and choosing "Add Label" from the context menu.
Alternatively, SHIFT+F2 will add a new label to the currently selected node (if only one node is selected).

Thank you for the information. I went to the section to which you pointed but when I add a second label it's off-centered and not aligned underneath the first label. And it also extends outside beyond the border of the node.
Well, yes. You need to manually position the second label according to your requirements. In your case this probably means dragging the new label to the desired position with the mouse.
Thank you! It's now positioned as I wanted it.
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