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Message flow between pools

0 votes
Hello, Im trying to create BPMN diagram. I want to start message flow from a pool into Start Event in another pool. How do I do that? Clicking on Event or Activity starts a flow, but clicking on Pool does not.

I managed to create the flow from the Start Event to the other pool and then reverse it (Tools > Reverse Selected Edges). But as soon as the flow is directed into the Start Event, it "disapeears". I can stil find it in Neighborhood and Overview, but it is not displayed in the main window, as if it turned white or invisible.

Please help!
in Help by

1 Answer

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You need to move the mouse into the pool's header area close to its outer border to be able to start an edge at a pool node. I.e. you can start edges when the mouse is inside the red area in the picture below:

Sample GraphML.

yEd restricts the area for starting edges at group, pool, and table nodes to be able to differentiate between the gesture for starting an edge and the gesture for starting marquee selection. The idea being that you want to select multiple child nodes of a group/pool/table more often than you want to connect a group/pool/table node directly to another node.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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