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How to get out of group zoom

0 votes
When I double click on a group it changes the overview to be only that group and everything else disappears. How do I get it back?
in Help by (970 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
I'm new to yEd and ran into the same situation. I use the structure view to navigate back: double clicking on a "higher" node/element to get back.

The double click in the 'Structured View' pane does not work for me, using version 3.17 on Windows 10.
+1 vote

There are several ways to get back:

  1. Structure view as Linda mentioned.
  2. Tool bar, right-most control.
  3. Menu "Grouping", item "Previous View".
by [yWorks] (162k points)
thanks guys!
what ist meant by "tool bar, right-most control" (sorry, but English is not my native language)?

Since yEd 3.14 it is not the right-most control anymore, but the second control from the right - i.e. the control labeled "previous view" in the illustration below:

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