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default menu disappeared

0 votes
I was trying to change the various toolbar position,and with the main toolbar and with the palettes I had no problems,but when I tried to move the default menu,it disappeared.In the support section,I don't find any key to press for it,so I uninstalled the yed graph editor and reinstalled it,but there isn't the menu...i tried to uninstall yed with revo uninstaller and with zsoft uninstaller,i also tried a system restore of windows at a point before the first installation of yed,but nothing...everytime i reinstall it,the default menu is missing.
in Help by

2 Answers

0 votes

You can reset yEd to its factory defaults by deleting the yEd profile directory.

by [yWorks] (161k points)
0 votes
You just need delete the file "yed-x.xx.layout" file if you want to keep all other stuffs such as your own palettes.

For windows the profile tipical directory for yED is :

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