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Is it allowed to have pregenerated .graphml with yEd namespaces' extensions?

0 votes
Concerning license and 'not allowed in automated process', is it allowed to pregenerate .graphml files by another application, which includes some of the y: extensions, which can later, separately, be viewed and/or further processed by yEd application?

Or, more generally, are yEd namespaces' extensions to .graphml included/covered by yEd license?


(sorry, I wanted to link this to a different thread, but linked it here by mistake and now I cannot move it, I hope it's not a problem)
in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes

The usage of the y and yed namespaces in GraphML files is not restricted by the yEd Software License Agreement. I.e. you are allowed to use applications other than yEd to generate GraphML files that use the y and yed namespaces.



by [yWorks] (162k points)
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