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Please add such nodes as Transitions (Fork) and Transitions (Join) to the UML section of Palette

+1 vote

Please add such nodes as Transitions (Fork) and Transitions (Join) to the UML section of Palette

And these nodes must have proper behavior when I apply Swimlane Layout.


in Feature Requests by (170 points)
edited by

1 Answer

0 votes
Those are simple rectangles with either one incoming and two outgoing or two incoming and one outgoing edge.

If you feel the need to have such simple rectangles in a palette section, copy the UML palette section to a user-defined section (see "Edit" -> "Manage Palette") and add a uni-color rectangle node from the "Shape Nodes" section.


What do you mean by "proper behavior" for swimlane layout?
by [yWorks] (161k points)
Actually I have already used black uni-color narrow rectangle. But when I applied swimlane layout I faced with following problems. yEd editor understands “black uni-color narrow rectangle” not as a start of parallel process but as simple action which belongs to particular swim line. According to this connection lines which start from and end at “black uni-color narrow rectangle” not meet in one point. And action nodes which are between “fork” and “join” nodes system arranges not at the same level.

Swimlane layout is a general purpose algorithm that does not take any special flowchart meaning of symbols into account.

Regarding edge groups, either follow my advice in How to draw parallel process in UML notation in Swimlanes chart? or use Swimlane layout's automatic edge grouping feature (see tab "Edges" in the swimlane layout settings).

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