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Is it possible to save the layout settings for each graph?

+3 votes
I am using graph editor for many different issues. Therefore I also use different settings for hierarchical layout e.g.

It would be nice, if I could save the settings for each graph diagram or to create something like favorits? (not only for hierarchicel layout)

This would help me a lot to recombine an older graph I could not remember which settings I have used.

Thanks a lot.

in Feature Requests by
Another boost for this suggestion. I just came to this forum to ask if this was possible. I have many diagrams built in yEd, using all the different layout types. Switching between them is difficult - I have to remember which layout is used for which, whether the "Use as sketch" setting is selected, etc.
Maybe there's a way to "record" the settings in a node on the diagram, perhaps invisibly. Or maybe the settings can be saved in the graphml file.

1 Answer

0 votes
Supporting your question as a user loving this progi.

Complex graphs and all by specific layout configurations - and it is hard to remember all the details needed to re-run the same Layout again.

It would be great to get 'any hint' from yED about the used Layout-Configuration on the graph.

have a nice day and thanks for any Hint ...
by (190 points)
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