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How to convert Visio vssx and vss to vsx

0 votes
I have several hundred Visio 2010 vss and Visio 2013 vssx stencils which I might want to use within yEd. Is there any way to convert them to vsx format in a batch without opening and saving each one of them in Visio?
in Help by
This would seem to be an issue that needs resolution. Visio doesn't support VDX/VSX files in 2013/2016, and yED doesn't support the VSS files that are still distributed on the internet. yED seems to both not support "old" formats whilest simultaneously not supporting "new" formats. :(

2 Answers

0 votes
Best answer
Unfortunately, I'm not aware of any such method.

Before spending a very long time converting all your files, I propose to have a look at the known limitations of the Visio support of yEd and to do tests with a small number of typical files.
by [yWorks] (26.8k points)
0 votes
There is another way of converting vss files into svg and import it to Yed custom pallete (supports bulk load)


I created these packages for Gentoo build system:


And opened issue about to create bulk of this cool utility for Windows as well on source git.
It is 2021. Can this work-around be added to jEd so it can import Visio stencils? it looks pretty straighforward.
Unfortunately, no. This workaround cannot be implemented in yEd, because a) libvisio2svg is not a Java library and b) libvisio2svg is published under a license that is incompatible with yEd's license.
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