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Import of Sitemap.xml files

+2 votes
Webmasters use a lot of "sitemap.xml" to document the structure of their site. It is also very importand for Google and other engines.


Is there a way to display the structure of a website in yEd?



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1 Answer

0 votes
Currently, there is no such feature but IMHO that sounds like a good idea. I changed this question into a feature request.

If you're familiar with XSLT, you can try the generic XML + XSLT import feature of yEd. Another possible workaround is transforming the sitemap into an yEd-compatible Excel file, preferrably with a small script.
by [yWorks] (26.8k points)
Hi michael

    > "If you're familiar with XSLT..."

This is  exactly the problem why i posted here ;-)

I'm looking forward to see this as new feature.

Thanks and regards

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