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keep layout, but load new edges

+1 vote
Sometimes I want to compare two graphs with the same nodes, but different connectivity. It would be great if I could load one graph, and do (say) "Organic Layout". Then, keeping the node positions the same, I would like to load a different set of edges.

People flipping between the two graphs could see the differences immediately, because the nodes would be in the sameplace.

Is this possible?
in Feature Requests by

1 Answer

+1 vote

At the moment, there is no specific support for this kind of layouts. Therefore, I changed this question into a feature request.

The only work-around that comes into my mind is to create a graph which contains both edges at the same time and add edge labels which specify the edge type. After the layout calculation, you can use the Selector tool (Tools > Select Elements...) to select and delete all edges of one type. With Save and Undo you can repeat this for the other edge type and get both diagrams.
by [yWorks] (26.8k points)
edited by
Hi Michael -- thank you for your response. I'll give that a shot (previously, I had been directly editing the GML to delete edges.)
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