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Support non-scaling-stroke attribute in newer SVG standard?

0 votes

In newer SVG standard, there is an attribute which is called 'non-scaling-stroke' that prevents scaling of the lines, which can be used to model scalable graphics with outlines.

So far as I know, in current version of yEd, there is no way to scale imported external graphics with non-scaling outlines,  since outlines become also thinner or thicker with the shape inside.

With this feature, the shape of the palettes would be greatly extendable with external SVGs! I wish it would be supported soon. Thanks for reading.

in Feature Requests by

1 Answer

0 votes

yEd uses the Apache Batik library for all things SVG. As far as I know, Batik does not support the non-scaling-stroke vector effect.

by [yWorks] (161k points)
Thanks for the answer.
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