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Excel import and presentation : layout choices and initial layout settings

0 votes

Issues :

  1. When importing an Excek file, some node layout choices are missing in the presentation lab -- except for circular, hierarchical and organic.
  2. When importing for the first time, if user selects "hierarchical layout", the defaults for hierarchical layout are not applied.  User needs to re-apply the hierarchical layout to obtain the preferred settings.
  3. A data entry for label placement layout is missing from the presentation tab.  User needs to apply label placement after the excel import.

Please make the above part of excel import.

in Feature Requests by (740 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Re 1.:

The layout choices for Excel Import where deliberately chosen. The hierarchical, organic, and circular algorithms are general-purpose algorithms that support large (and in the case of organic very large) diagrams.

Re 2.:

That is not correct. I just verified with a fresh installation that (changed) hierarchic layout settings are respected by subsequent Excel spreadsheet imports.

Re 3.:

Excel import is not meant to provide direct access to all of yEd's (layout) features. Specifically, it is not meant to relieve users from having to adjust their diagrams further after running Excel import.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
Thanks for the feedback,

RE 1. : The one I use the most is hierarchical and it is there.  However, it would only seem natural to have the full list available.

RE 2. : I reaffirm my original comment. When importing for the first time, the hierarchical layout obtained is different from the one produced  by applying the hierarchical layout after import.   You are correct in stating that afterwards, the hierarchical settings are retained.

3. : It would be convenient to the user to set other layout settings such as label placement.   Such settings that can be automated would make a better user experience.
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