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F1 / help does nothing

0 votes
Version 3.21.1, Win 10, German

calling F1 only creates a new entry on the taskbar ("yed Help"), but nothing is displayed. Only my problem?
in Help by (780 points)
my bad, sorry. Reboot fixed it ....

1 Answer

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Best answer

Well, pressing F1 opens the yEd help as intended on our Windows 10 test machine. So, yes, I guess it is a problem specific to your machine.

Maybe the help dialog opens behind yEd's main window (or some other window)?
Did you install yEd with a bundled JRE or do you run yEd on a pre-installed JRE from your system?

Finally, I would like to mention that the yEd help is available online, too.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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