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I need word wrap (fit text inside shape)

+1 vote
This is very basic - Visio has it.  You need to add this.  It's word wrap inside shapes.  Your tutorial says to press F2 to type text and hit Shift+Enter to start a new line.  This is terrible.  I want to type the whole phrase and have the text wrap automatically to fill the text box.  Thank you.
in Finished Features by (130 points)
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1 Answer

+2 votes
by [yWorks] (26.8k points)
Thanks!  Between Tools, Fit Label To Node & Properties, Configuration, Cropping, & Properties, Size, Fit Node Width, the text wrapping works great.  It doesn't work that great with diamond shapes (decision node in flowchart), so that one still needs to be done manually using Shift+Enter in certain places, I think.
Doesn't work v

Shame. It really shouldn't take 2 minutes to drop a box, enter text, and have it fit in the box. Does anyone still use this, or did everyone just give up?
Wait...I found it!

Step 1: Drag the box to the drawing
Step 2: IF you have set file, preferences to "Edit label on Create Node" then type text and hit enter
Step 3: Select shape AGAIN
Step 4: Right click shape and select Properties
Step 5: Select Label tab
Step 6: Set Placement Model to Internal
Step 7: Set Placement Position to Center
Step 8: Set Size to Fit Node Size
Step 9: Set Configuration to Cropping
Step 10: Set Alignment to Center
Step 11: Click OK


Nobody thought there should be an option to actually put text labels INSIDE a node?

How can anyone use this for more than 5 minutes and not be terribly FRUSTRATED with this? Does NOBODY use this any more? Certainly doesn't seem like anyone at yworks.com or it would be fixed.





No. Do it once, create a user-defined palette section (see "Edit" -> "Manage "Palette"), add your configured node style to said section (right-click the node in the editor to open its context menu and choose "Add to Palette"), and use your custom node template from that point onward.

The styles available from yEd's palette are meant as default styles. They are not meant to satisfy each and every use case. That is why it is possible to configure styles and create custom style templates.

yEd offers a lot of features. And of course, for some features it takes some time to figure them out (as in every other application of significant complexity). This is why there is a manual and a user forum available.

I have followed these steps. But when I use Cropping I am unable to use HTML  in the shapes. All HTML is displayed as source

Unfortunately, the "Cropping" label configuration does not support HTML formatting.

You could try the "Standard" configuration with your text in a <div> element that has a width attribute, e.g.

<div width="300">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit ...

You would have to adjust the div width each time you resize the corresponding node, though.

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