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Family tree Tips for Yed

0 votes

I use Yed to build a family tree.

 For this I import a GEDCOM file.

Yed is offering several choices:

 -Style: I select “modern “

-Included tags: I select “include all”

Then I put a cross for:

-Display dates in labels

-Show all sub tags

-Lay out

Then I click ok and the family tree appears.

Almost perfect.

For the marriage of two people the program uses a shape node which is a black circle.

 1-Given the large amount of people I would like to change the color (light yellow) of all marriage nodes in a single operation.

2-In addition, I would like to add the date of the wedding in each node.

I noticed that the Yed program did load the data from the GEDCOM file (the marriage date appears in the node properties) but I don't know how to automatically transfer the date to get text display in the node.

Is there someone who can explain how to do this?

Thank you .Daniel
in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes

Re. 1:

The easiest way is certainly choosing the desired color right on export. The GEDCOM Import settings offer an option "Color For Families" for this purpose.

To change the color of all family nodes in an existing diagram, go to yEd's palette, open section "Current Elements", right-click the family node representation in said section to open its context menu, choose "Select Matching Elements" from the context menu, and finally change the "Fill Color" of all selected nodes in the properties view in yEd's lower right corner.

Re. 2:

You will need to use yEd's properties mapper for this.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
How to select a part of existing text
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