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is a data flow diagram palette available?

0 votes
in Help by
This worked for me, thanks.

1 Answer

+1 vote

Although there is no dedicated data flow diagram palette in yEd, the data flow diagram symbols mentioned in wikipedia are all available (see "Shape Nodes" and "Edge Types") or can be easily created by customizing existing symbols. You can create your own user defined palette section for the data flow symbols you need. Moreover, it is also possible to import custom symbols into yEd.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
Thomas, can you please describe how you have altered an existing symbol/node into the DFD data store symbol? I can't figure out how to alter the vertical lines alone. I only see settings for the border as a whole.

kind regards,
Changing shape of existing nodes
Step 1:
Create a rectangular node (see templates in the "Shape Nodes" palette section), set its Line Color to "No Color", and resize the node as desired.
Step 2:
Right-click the new node and choose "Add Label". Select the new label. Change its Background Color and Border Color to "Black", its Insets to "1 0 1 0", its Size to "Fit Node Width, its Distance to "0", and its Placement to "Internal: Top".
Step 3:
Repeat step 2, but use Placement to "Internal: Bottom".

To ease the "select the new label" part, assign the label some dummy text when creating the label. Then complete all modifications and as a last step remove the label's text.
Interesting approach ^^

I've tried many times but it seems I cannot make the second label appear behind the node. Any tips/tricks?

Was that "behind" in "appear behind the node" a typo? A node's labels are never painted behind the node. And why would you try to do that? Did you download the sample GraphML file linked in the original post? Might be easier just to work with that than re-creating the same type of node once again.

No, that was not a typo :-) I thought the trick was that the labels would be slightly bigger than the node, appearing behind the node.

I did download and look at the example data store element, but it didn't fit with the style of the other elements, hence I tried to recreate it.

I just tried it again, and it did work. I don't know what I've been doing wrong on Thursdays; it all appeared as two full black labels covering the node. And I now find out why: because I had not removed the text of the labels yet :-)
Thanks for the update. Glad you got it to work. :-)
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