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IconFinder not working

0 votes

It seems that the Icon Finder is not woking anymore.

"Could not connect to https://www.iconfinder.com/xml/search/."

Maybe something is broken in the latest version of Yed.

Current version installed:

Version 3.20.1 Powered by the yFiles Graph Visualization Library http://www.yWorks.com Copyright 2000-2020 yWorks GmbH. All Rights Reserved.  Java Version: 13.0.2 Java VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM, Oracle Corporation

Best regards,

closed as a duplicate of: ICONFinder web link is not valid
in Help by
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Thank you very much for reporting this problem. We will be looking into it for the next version of yEd.

On a slightly unrelated note, please do not use your eMail address as post title but a descriptive term related to the post topic.
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