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How can one cut&paste from yEd Editor?

0 votes
dear all,

I'm using Win XP and cut and paste of yEd objects to clipboard does not work.

In context menu, cut is greyed out!

What I'm doing wrong?
in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes

Cut and copy should be always available in the context menu for selected nodes.

Is this a reproducible problem for you? If so, can you upload your yEd profile so we can check if this problem is related to your settings? That said, maybe resetting yEd to factory defaults by deleting the profile directory helps. (Please do make a backup of the profile directory first for uploading here, so we can inspect your settings.)

by [yWorks] (162k points)
thanks for your answer.
Yes, it's reproducible. I select an object (rectangle for ex.)  in yEd Editor and press CTRL V or rightclick and select copy.
Then I open powerpoint or what ever, and try to paste it, but paste is greyed out or I get the former content of the clipboard.
It behaves the same in windows 7 and XP. Its yEd 3.9.2
If you give me a responsive email, I can send you additional information.
By the way: which file(s) comprise the profile?
There is a difference between copy/paste in yEd and copy/paste from yEd to another application. To do the latter, select the nodes you want to copy, then right-click one of the selected nodes to open the selection context menu and choose "Copy to System Clipboard". Now, paste will be available in other applications.
This works, thanks.
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