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Does yED support the following features?

0 votes

Does yED support the following features:

1. Editing of directed/undiredcted graphs.

2. Editing of curved edges.

3. Relatively large graph (hundreds of nodes) in one page, which also means a large "page" and a large output image.

4. Easy zoom-in/zoom-out capabilities into a large graph.


in Help by

1 Answer

+1 vote
  1. Yes. From a structural point of view, yEd supports only directed graphs. It is, however, possible to style edges such that they "look" undirected.
  2. Yes. yEd offers several curved edge styles (arc, bezier curves, splines).
  3. Yes. yEd does not impose a limit on the number of elements in one graph. Moreover, yEd does not work with a "page concept, but uses a (theoretically) infinite editor area. (In practice, the number of elements is restricted by available memory and processing capacity - i.e. RAM and CPU.)
  4. Yes. Zooming is possible using mouse wheel, keyboard, toolbar, and menu entries.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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