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How to use import spreadsheet to specify two or more types of node or edge?

+1 vote

Is it possible with a spreadsheet import to enable yEd to show nodes with different colours and different edge types viz full line or dotted line as in the following test diagram?

I have found as a basic user the following guide and from that created the mindmap aide memoire.


I am not a programmer and only capable of using the surface commands in yEd...thanks in anticipation.

in Help by (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Yes, it is possible to use yEd's Excel import to create diagrams with different types of node and edges. However, to do so you need to use yEd's properties mapper as well. The basic approach is the following:

  1. Import your spreadsheet.
  2. Create properties mapper configurations to adjust your node and edge styles as required.
  3. On subsequent Excel imports, configure Excel Import to use the configurations created in step 2 (see tab "Presentation" in the Excel Import settings).

Please see chapters Import of Excel Files and Mapping Custom Properties to Visual Properties in the yEd Manual for further information. Aside from that there quite a lot of posts here in the forum on these two topics.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
Thank you, Thomas. I missed the Mapping ...to visual properties chapter. Great!
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