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How to automatically make node labels from Excel data input

0 votes
Hello team - how can I automatically ensure my node labels are pre-populated with the values used in the Excel input from which the data is pulled? In effect, I want to not have to manually input the name of every node in a manually-added label, but rather I want the nodes to be automatically labelled when I create the diagram using the Excel input. Thanks!
in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes

Run Excel Import once. Data from Excel should now be available as custom properties. Open yEd's properties mapper (see "Edit" -> "Properties Mapper") and create node/edge configurations to pull data from the custom properties into labels.

On subsequent Excel Imports, you can specify the previously created properties mapper configurations on tab "Presentation" (see options "Use Configuration" and "Configuration").

Please see Mapping Custom Properties to Visual Properties and Import of Excel Files in the yEd Manual for further information.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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