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Translation to swedish and make a dark theme?

0 votes

I use yEd Graph Editor alot, and wish it could be translated into Swedish..
I could contribute with swedish translation but doesn't know how?

I've checked transifex.net ( or something ) but didn't find anything.

And would love a darkmode in Windows application!
I guess I can't help with that but would love it..

And it would be a great feature to add a checkbox, that if I make a dark background I can choose to not print the background color or save with it.. I want it to be saved with white background but a darker while I work with the file - Like a dark mode.
in Feature Requests by

1 Answer

0 votes

yEd currently does not support addition of languages other than English and German.

There is a feature request to support additional languages in yEd for which you may vote.


While the desktop version of yEd does not provide a "dark mode", the online version yEd Live does offer such a mode (see Menu -> View -> Enable Dark Theme).

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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