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Export Yed Graph to Google Maps API

0 votes


I am using YED for a Research Project and would like to puiblish the diagrams in the internet. Someone gave me a tip about using Google MAPS API as the features look great and very useful for my diagram. Is it possible to export it in a useful format for Google Maps API?

Thanks for the help


in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes
Although I know very little about Google MAPS, I think the tiles are either JPG or PNG images. Both types of images are available as export formats in yEd.  ("File" -> "Export", then choose the appropriate format from the "Files of Type" drop down list.)
by [yWorks] (162k points)
Thank you for this answer. The aim is not to put an image in an existing google maps but to create something like google maps but where you can surf on the yed diagram i created. Of what I read for example a KML format would work. Is this possible?
KML is not supported. However, yEd's GraphML format is an XML format, too. Maybe you can extract the data you need from that.
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