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Unable to get a canonical path for folder

0 votes


Everytime I try to open a file or save a file, this error keeps on appearing. I've tried searching similar issues and tried their solutions but nothing works for me.

in Help by (160 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
Thank you very much for your error report.

It seems like you are running into a problem in the Java runtime environment related to writing to network shares. Unfortunately, this means this problem probably cannot be fixed in yEd but has to be fixed by Oracle, the vendor of the JRE.

You can try to workaround this error by either saving to a local drive (and afterwards moving your file to the desired network share using e.g. Windows Explorer) or using the cross-platform file selection dialog instead of the native dialog. You can switch from the native dialog to the cross-platform dialog in "File" -> "Preferences", tab "General", option "File Chooser Dialog".
by [yWorks] (162k points)
selected by
The switch of native dialog to cross-platform worked like a charm! Thanks so much! I've been trying to fix this issue for more than 2 hours, installing different yEd versions with different JRE and other stuff.
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