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Fail to reproduce the example

0 votes

Dear yEd experts,

After downloading the given spreadsheet, I still can't reproduce the example. The setting are as follow,

The program still can't apply family-tree algorithm to it, and the configuration buttion is grey.

May I ask which part went wrong and how to fix it?

Thank you!

Best regards,

related to an answer for: Family tree layout from spreadsheet
in Help by

1 Answer

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Best answer

If the "Configuration" button is greyed out, you have not yet created a properties mapper node configuration. You need to create such a configuration before being able to use it. Family tree layout from spreadsheet describes the steps to create such a configuration (see "Additionally, you will also need an appropriate properties mapper configuration that assigns each node a style that is recognized by the family layout algorithm" in the linked answer).

The family tree layout algorithm cannot be applied automatically when importing Excel spreadsheets. Use "Hierarchical" for Excel import and once your spreadsheet has been imported run the family tree layout algorithm from yEd's "Layout" menu.

by [yWorks] (161k points)
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