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How to optimize system to remove cross lines?

0 votes

I want to remove some crossing in my diagram, but i don't know which options i must set. How to automatically put group (1) in place (2). After this system do not cross some lines. Options and situation is on picture below.

in Help by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
yEd's layout algorithms produce "good" results but cannot guarantee perfect results. In your case, the layout algorithm needs to solve a "crossing minimization" problem. Unfortunately, in the general case "crossing minimization" is a very, very difficult problem to solve, i.e. the algorithm would often have to run for a very, very long time if it was required to always find the optimal solution. To prevent that very, very long runtime, the algorithm uses a heuristic that produces good but possibly non-optimal results - as in your case.

I suggest manually moving group (1) to position (2), enabling "Use Drawing as Sketch", and running the algorithm a second time.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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