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Placing the mapped properties?

0 votes

How do you go on to put the label data where you want it?

The regular expression works fine (see related question). Place of birth is written out. But i lands on top of the other data.

Is there a template that I can edit to affect where the place name is written out?

I have not yet grasped the concept.


in Help by

1 Answer

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I am assuming that you imported a GEDCOM file and then used properties mapper to set the text of an additional label. In this case, the following approach might work:

  1. Use yEd's palette manager (see "Edit" -> "Manage Palette") to create an (empty) user-defined palette section.
  2. Create a single node of the type you want to use for your GEDCOM individuals.
  3. Add an additional label to said node (right-click the node to open its context menu and choose "Add Label").
  4. Place the new label at the desired position.
  5. Add your node as a template to your user-defined palette section (right-click the node to open its context menu and choose "Add to Palette").
  6. Double-click the new template in the your user-defined palette section to make it the default template.
  7. Import your GEDCOM file and set option "Style" to "Default" in the GEDCOM Import settings.
  8. Run properties mapper to set the text of your explicitly placed label.

Alternatively, use "Tools" -> "Select Elements" to select the labels with birth place information and assign a discrete "Placement" policy like "Internal: Right". Selecting all birth place labels should be possible when selecting node labels by index.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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