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Navigation Mode Evolution?

0 votes

I have been using yEd for a long time, I consider it a good product for my simple needs

Unfortunately, I always thought yEd had a small Achilles' heel: the flowchart navigation.

I would consider it easier to edit a flowchart if you used zoom and motion management as in several graphics software:

!) the movement of the wheel of the mause which leads to moving the sheet up and down;

2) the same movement, associated with pressing the left Ctrl key, which leads to a Zoom-In zoom-out;

3) always the movement of the wheel by simultaneously pressing the left shift key to move the sheet to the right or left.
in Feature Requests by (220 points)
edited by

1 Answer

0 votes
I think yEd already supports the desired mouse wheel behavior. See "File" -> "Preferences", tab "General", option "Mouse Wheel Behavior". This option can be set to "[Wheel] Up/Down, [Shift+Wheel] Left/Right, [Ctrl+Wheel] In/Out".
by [yWorks] (162k points)
You're right, thank you!
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