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Polyline Edge Router after moving/sizing node

+1 vote

I imported an Excel adjency Matrix with 66 nodes. The first time I do a hierarchical layout the edges are drawn nicely. I turned on smooth bends.

step 1


After that I resize a node and the edges become this:


I thought I could 'just draw all the edges like a refresh' by using Polyline Router. With defaults:


First I thougth "Its bussing al edges" so lets tinker with options. Spend about an hour (un)checking boxes at the "Polyline Router" dialog and Ctrl+Z myself back and forth.

ThenI thought "Maybe one edge at a time works". It keeps existing 'bends' (green anchor points?). The red arrow is what I expected. ;)


I'm fairly new to this, so maybe I'm just noobing around.


in Help by (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Which settings did you use for your first edge routing run? I am asking because by default the polyline edge router should not create any edge busses. Have you tried to run the polyline edge router with default settings (you can revert to factory default by clicking "Reset" in the polyline edge router settings dialog).

That said, I think you will actually get much better results by not using an edge routing algorithm but by running the hierarchic layout algorithm in incremental mode. To do so, activate option "Use Drawing as Sketch" on tab "General" in the hierarchic layout settings dialog. See the hierarchic layout documentation in the yEd Manual for more information on this option.

Another option would be to turn off option "Adjust Ports on Resize" in "File" -> "Preferences", tab "Editor" prior to changing the size of your "EduArte" node.

by [yWorks] (162k points)

First Edge Routing was run as part of the import proces of the adjencency matrix. It (again) was clean and nice, only adjusted to "smooth bends".

Then I changed seize of a node AND "Reset to default" and ran the polyline edge router. It 'automagically' replaced every edge but much better. I guess during my orientation on yEd I left some boxes ticked. So ''resetting'also helped!

Then I did it all again, but with "Use Drawing as Sketch" after reseizing, again ... just beautifull.

Thanks for the quick response.
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