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Complete graph of predecessors

+1 vote

if there's possible to show only shortest-path graph in predecessors windows, how do I get complete predecessors graph?

I have complex graph and want to know, what has to happen before some node. Normally I would use predecessors window, but since there's only shortest path shown, I don't see some edges (and duplicate nodes), so it's useless for me, because it has completly different meaning.

Please help me, how do I get complete information about predecessors?

related to an answer for: Missing NODES in Predecessors window
in Help by (170 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

Unfortunately, it is currently not possible to change the behavior of the predecessor and successor context views in this regard.

However, you can try to use "Tools" -> "Select Elements" as explained in How to unlimit neighbourhood / predecessos / successos to select the desired set of nodes. After selecting the desired set of nodes, use "Edit" -> "Copy" or CTRL+C to copy those elements and paste them into a new editor. When doing so the edges of the induced subgraph will be copied as well.

Finally, please consider voting for Better neighborhood/successors/predecessors view.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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