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How to unlimit neighbourhood / predecessos / successos

0 votes
I've seen like some other peopl that the limitation of nodes count displaye into those views is a feature.
In my case, I want to use yed as a graph browser. I have a huge graph with a lot of connexions. I want to extract the neighborhood of the selected node to make a smaller graph easy to read.
Is there a way to do it?
I've tried the Auto grouping feature, but everything ends into the same groupe.
The predecessor and successor is the key. Anyway to extract them?
PS: The problem is that when too many nodes are selected, nothing appeads.
in Help by

2 Answers

+1 vote

You can extract the predecessors and/or successors of a set of selected nodes using "Tools" -> "Select Elements".

In the "Select Elements" settings, disable option "Clear Selection First" on tab "General" and enable "Use These Criteria", choose "Neighbors of Selected Nodes", "Successors of Selected Nodes", or "Predecessors of Selected Nodes" for option "Select", and set "Maximal Path Distance" to a high value (e.g. 9999) on tab "Nodes". This will expand the current selection to include all predecessors and/or successors of the initially selected nodes. Now copy (CTRL+C) the current selection and paste (CTRL+V) it into a new editor tab.

Aside from the above, please consider voting for Context View Limitations for High Edge Density Nodes.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
edited by
0 votes
Wonderful I didn't know this amazing function!

Thank you a lot
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