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Group Node added to custom palette not showing in properties mapper

+1 vote
Hi there -

I'm trying to make an OrgChart style display where nodes have basic information in the standard size, and the click through on the "+" button expands the node to show extra details in the 2nd space.

I can format and prepare the palette item fine, but when I try to load the node in the properties mapper after selecting "single" it doesn't show the node. The palette doesn't even show up in the list unless I add a basic node shape to the palette and then only the basic shape shows up in the properties mapper as an option.

I've read that group nodes are supported by the properties mapper, but I can't seem to get it to work. How do I fix it?

in Help by (140 points)

1 Answer

–1 vote
Group nodes are supported by properties mapper in the sense that you can use properties mapper to change a group node's fill color, label text, etc. However, there are some restrictions, because group nodes work differently from normal nodes. You cannot use properties mapper to change size, position, or style of group nodes.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
I'm not trying to change the size. The only thing I want to change is label text, but I can't find how to even locate the template node from the properties mapper.

Is "single" not the right way to do it?

Changing label text does not require changing the node style. Indeed, changing label text is the most basic use case for properties mapper and thus the most easiest as well:

  1. Open properties mapper.
  2. Create a new configuration for nodes.
  3. Add a mapping. (Note, "Label Text" is the default target for new mappings.)
  4. Change "Data Source" to the desired custom property. (Note, if there is only one custom property in your diagram, it will be the default source.)
  5. Click "Ok".

That is it. No need to for template mappings at all. Nevertheless, properties mapper is one of the more complex features in yEd. I strongly recommend reading through chapter Mapping Custom Properties to Visual Properties in the yEd Manual to get a good understanding of this tool before using it.

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