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Hierarchic Graph, Transform lyout from tree to nested

–1 vote

Is there any possibility to transform the layout of a hierarchical graph from a tree to a nested/Grouped layout?


One the left it's the orginal tree, one the right is it smplified and I want something like at the bottom of the picture.

I wonder if my question is related to the following feature request: https://yed.yworks.com/support/qa/10637/please-consider-adding-support-for-nested-boxes-diagrams

in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes
Well, I guess your question is related to nesting cluster diagrams, because the type of diagram you want to create seems to be a nesting cluster diagram. Unfortunately, yEd does not offer a tool for converting tree strcutures to nesting structures or vice versa.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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