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Installing the ySVG Extension Package

0 votes

Hi there,

I would like to be able to edit an SVG within a yEd diagram (the SVG is just pulled into the window from a folder browser) and it looks like the "ySVG Extension Package" might be able to do this for me. But how do I install the package? I figured it should be simple, but I could not find directions anywhere (not even the README)...

FYI, the reason why I want to be able to edit an SVG is that it is the only way I see we can insert a corporate border for our process engineering flow diagrams. I have searched borders and title blocks for yEd, but didn't get much. But I can export our existing title block as an SVG with text that we can edit, as long as the editing can happen within yEd it would work great and not give others reason to tote M$ Visio...angry

Thanks for your time!

in Help by

1 Answer

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Unfortunately, the ySVG extension package is not an extension for yEd (but for the yFiles for Java programming library) nor does it provide support for editing SVG documents.

You will have to either edit your SVG documents using a dedicated SVG editor application such as Inkscape or use a different approach for creating "corporate borders". E.g. you could use a simple rectangle node, style it to display the desired "corporate border" and title, add an additional label to the node and set the SVG document as the additional label's icon.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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