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Is there a Auto-fit node to label setting somewhere i am not finding?

+1 vote
Instead of constantly doing a fit node to label - i was hoping for a checkbox "Auto-fit node to label" - but I can't find any..
-Am I the first to ask for this functionality?
in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes
See "File" -> "Preferences", tab "Editor", option "Dynamically Adjust Node Size to Label Size".
by [yWorks] (162k points)
This fits node's width to label. But when the label are wrapped manually, the node doesn't fit the height of the label. Do I miss something?
Option "Dynamically Adjust Node Size to Label Size" automatically runs the "Fit Node to Label" tool with the tool's current settings. By default, said tool ignores node height. If you run the tool manually and change its settings, subsequent automatic node size adjustments due to "Dynamically Adjust Node Size to Label Size" will respect the changed settings.
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