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How to render a graph silently ?

0 votes
Hello there !

I'm currently working on a Python script that must fetch data from a database and render it in a graph automatically, and save it on a .pdf file.

I currently acheived to generate my .graphml file, but I'm stucked at render and save as pdf steps, How could I do it using absolutely no interface?

(Maybe using html API silently?)

Thanks for your help !
closed with the note: Not a yEd question.
in Help by (230 points)
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1 Answer

+1 vote

You cannot use yEd for your task, because a) yEd does not offer an API and b) the yEd SLA does not allow using yEd in automated processes.

Fortunately, we do have exactly what you need: The yFiles diagramming libraries may be used for building applications like the one you describe. I suggest to give either yFiles for HTML or yFiles for Java a try. Both libraries may be evaluated free-of-charge.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
1) I'm aware about the license wall, that's why I asked about how to do it with your HTML library, I wish you answered me something else than do it by yourself, as I never used JS nor Java.

2) Even If I can evaluate it freely, 9900€ is way too much for avoiding the process of load the file from yED, then export it as PDF, which takes like 15 seconds... Especially if what I need is not even explicitly explained in your docs.

It would litteraly cost me less to pay experienced developpers to reverse-engeeneiring your code and add this feature. This is absurd.

I'm okay with paying an affordable price for a command line option or a web api.

Plus I found a lot of questions/request about the same feature, why don't listen to the people who are ready to buy for your products?

You only provide user-friendly interface or experienced developper api, there is people stuck between it.
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