I've adapted my Excel so that it can be clearer what I try to achieve and the headers are in EN :)
As you'll see, my Excel has 2 sheets:
1. Edges: Source > term ID | term |URL | Node_ID
Type of cross-ref = for Edges label
Target > term ID | term | URL | Node_ID
term ID = Nr of entry in my DB (set as tooltip)
Node_ID = Numerical notation for adequate graph representation
URL = link to entry in DB
2. Nodes: Term ID | Terms (Node) | Node_ID | Group Node ID
Terms (Node) = all terms from columns "Source term" and "Target term" in sheet "Edges"
Group Node ID = parent ID for the structure grouping
I do get a graph with related terms, but not arranged like this, as I assumed it would be the case by grouping the terms. This grouping works perfect for arranging my data hierarchically. However, the resulting graph (no matter the layout I set) ends up having nothing to do with the structure view, which is the exact way I want my data to be represented.
How do I do to get a graph (tree-like with 1 root) that corresponds 100% with the structure in the structure view?