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Edges not visibles in my multilevel tree

0 votes

I have created a big concept tree with parents, siblings and childs by importing from an Excel file data arranged in groups.

The import worked perfect, except that I do not see the edges...

and would like the whole tree to be displayed something like this.

Could you please advise me as to how such a layout (left-to-right tree with connecting edges -no need at all of groups' squares display) can be applied to my graph?

Many thanks in advance!


in Help by (210 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

As you can see in your import screenshot, the import did not create any edges at all (and since there are no edge, none can be displayed):

From your Excel screenshot it does not look like you have specified relations between your nodes in your spreadsheet. Please review the paragraph on importing edge lists in the yEd manual for information on how to structure your spreadsheet.

Finally, if you do not want to import group nodes, then do not specify a "Column of Group Node IDs".

by [yWorks] (162k points)

I have, I just forgot to upload the screenshot of the second spreadsheet of my Excel. Here a sample of the Edges spreadsheet.

I assume the problem is that for the mapping, the Node_ID which retrieve my terms back ar not listed in my Edges spreadsheet... However, the terms ID are in both spreadsheets...

I am not quite sure how you expect your edge section to work. An edge requires a source node and a target node. Thus the section defining edges in your spreadsheet needs to have two columns with node IDs - one for the source node and one for the target node. And said columns have to be properly referenced in the "Column of Source IDs" and "Column of Target IDs" fields in the "Edge List" section of the Excel import settings.

E.g. if the row that is highlighted in your edge spreadsheet (i.e the one that has "adoptant unique" as "Terme(s) cible (LG)") should represent an edge which two nodes should that edge connect?

It would probably also help if you could add a screenshot of your actual Excel import settings.

I've adapted my Excel so that it can be clearer what I try to achieve and the headers are in EN :)

As you'll see, my Excel has 2 sheets:

1. Edges: Source > term ID | term |URL | Node_ID

                      Type of cross-ref = for Edges label

                 Target > term ID | term | URL | Node_ID

term ID = Nr of entry in my DB (set as tooltip)

Node_ID = Numerical notation for adequate graph representation

URL = link to entry in DB

2. Nodes: Term ID | Terms (Node) | Node_ID | Group Node ID

Terms (Node) = all terms from columns "Source term" and "Target term" in sheet "Edges"

Group Node ID = parent ID for the structure grouping

I do get a graph with related terms, but not arranged like this, as I assumed it would be the case by grouping the terms. This grouping works perfect for  arranging my data hierarchically. However, the resulting graph (no matter the layout I set) ends up having nothing to do with the structure view, which is the exact way I want my data to be represented.

How do I do to get a graph (tree-like with 1 root) that corresponds 100% with the structure in the structure view?

Thank you very much for the additional information.

I fear that there is a misunderstanding here. I do not think the structure view works like you think it does. The structure view displays the nesting structure of the graph - i.e. which node belongs to which parent group. E.g. a group node with a child node

results in a structure view with a level 1 entry for the parent node a level 2 entry for the child node


However, simply connecting two nodes

results in a structure view with two level 1 entries (one for each node)


In short, the desired behavior is not available in yEd. Unfortunately, it is not even possible to implement the desired behavior, because the structure view can only display tree structures (and the nesting structure of a graph is always a tree structure) but the general graph structure is not necessarily a tree.

:( Thanks anyways for your help! I'll have to find another solution ...
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