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Links in graphs exported as SWF files don't work

0 votes
When I export a graph in "SWF Format", links don't work, both when I open the swf file locally or from a webserver.

When I export a graph as "HTML Flash Viewer", everything works fine.

Is there a solution to this or does the swf-export just not support links?
in Help by (160 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
Links are indeed not supported in the pure SWF export.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
selected by
Thank you for clarifying this. It's a pity though as the SWF export would be the easiest way to integrate graphs with links into a Dokuwiki-Page (used as a knowledge base). The Flash Viewer works fine too but SWF files are much smaller and there is no need to externally load the viewer for every visitor.

I use yED graphs to visualize processes with added links to internal or external documents (or websites/wiki pages). This is why the ability to add links to parts of the graphs is crucial.

Any chance that you add links/urls to the SWF export?
Maybe you can use SVG instead. yEd can export links to this format as well.

Considering our long list of possible new features for yEd, I don't think adding link support to SWF would get high priority, but feel free to enter a feature request for it if you like. Many votes on a feature can shift our priorities ;-)
Thank you for this suggestion. Unfortunately Internet Explorer does not fully support SVG in the newest version and not at all in the still very common older ones, so a good percentage of visitors would not be able to see the graphs in SVG format. I'll use the HTML image map version instead, even though the graphs don't look as good as in the other versions.

Thanks again for your support!
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