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XP version still available please

0 votes
Hi Support Team...
   which version of yEd should I be downloading for my Windows XP desktop PC?
   I need to test it on a dinosaur machine... long story

   There was a similar question Aug9,2015  about 'Windows 7'
      but the answer there seems no longer valid

in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes

Unfortunately, we do not offer a Windows XP compatible version anymore.

The last version to support Windows XP was
Since version 3.16, yEd requires Java 8 which no longer supports Windows XP.

This leaves you with two options:

  1. Try to get yEd version from somewhere.
  2. Try to get Java 8 to run on Windows XP somehow and download the latest yEd zip archive.

If this is for commercial use, you might also contact the yWorks sales department (see the yWorks website for contact information). Maybe they are willing to negotiate a custom agreement for an old version of yEd.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
Thanks Thomas
    I have downloaded a file named


   which looks Ok
   virus scans OK
   and has the following hashes:

MD5: 8837325589886ce42276982d115a0317
SHA-1: 063b7fc50ac90e6adb66fb58e00415ba371092be
SHA-256: 202b52a552cb72a3cff67fa5f3e285fa329d1603e53f2e4383947eb940c48614

Can anyone confirm a hash for this version please?

MD5 8837325589886ce42276982d115a0317 matches yEd-

A better way to verify your downloaded file would be checking its signature. yEd installer files are signed by yWorks and any tampering will invalidate the file's signature.

You may check the installer's signature by right-clicking the installer file in e.g. Windows Explorer to open the file's context menu and choosing "Properties". In the properties dialog, switch to tab "Digital Signatures" (if there is no such tab, the file has no signature and has been tampered with). Digital signatures should list two signatures by yWorks GmbH:

Select each in turn and click the "Details" button. The "Digital Signature Details" dialog should report the signature to be "OK":


Hi Thomas

   All working very nicely now, thankyou

   Anyone else with the same question?
   I can can confirm that:


    with (old school) hashes
       MD5: 8837325589886ce42276982d115a0317
       SHA-1: 063b7fc50ac90e6adb66fb58e00415ba371092be
       SHA-256: 202b52a552cb72a3cff67fa5f3e285fa329d1603e53f2e4383947eb940c48614

    Has been running without problems on my old  Windows XP SP3 box
      for a week now.

Thanks again
Version 3.17.2 still works on Windows XP.
1.8.0_152 JRE is compatible with XP. I have this version of yEd installed on my PC. It works normally. I even wanted to send a printscreen, but there was no way to insert it here in my comment.
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