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free lines on yEd

0 votes

I understand why you can't have free lines that aren't connected to nodes so that your layout tools know the diagram connectivity.

Can I suggest an easy feature request? draw lines that are able to connect to themselves, snap to grid, group etc. but otherwise are free. Call them 'lines' rather than 'edge types' this means yEd can be used for a quick drawing of a graph, timing diagram etc


in Help by
Thank you very much for your suggestion. However, I do not understand how this would solve the conceptual problem of free lines. Can you explain in more detail how your 'lines' idea solves this problem?
I meant that the proposed drawing line wouldn't create connectivity in the yEd sense but just a  'decoration' (still with grid snap etc.)
If your lines did not "create connectivity", your lines would contradict the "Every Diagram is a Graph" prerequisite. And that is the single most important conceptual restriction there is in yEd. Without this restriction, yEd would have to be redone from scratch - and with a lot less features to boot.

1 Answer

0 votes
I had the same question. Then I found the solution. Create and link 2 or more shapes. Select the shapes and, in Properties, select no color for lines and fill in. This will leave only the edge connector.
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