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How do I draw edges or arcs with directional arrows in the middle of the line instead of at one end?

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in Help by
Best way to create a 'vector image' of the 'desired arrow'?  How does one 'set' the label's icon to the image?


Best way to create a 'vector image' of the 'desired arrow'?

I think there is no best way for doing things like that. What I do, though, is creating an edge in yEd with the desired arrow, moving the edge's source and target nodes close together such that only the arrow is visible between the two, changing the fill and line colors of both nodes to "No Color", and exporting that edge to SVG.



How does one 'set' the label's icon to the image?

Select the label in question and click into the "Icon Properties" field. This will open a dialog that lets you choose an icon for the label.

1 Answer

0 votes

In yEd, there are two ways to achieve the desired visualization:

  1. Actually create two edges that are connected to a small (e.g. 1px in size) dummy node. Set the desired arrow at one of the edge endpoints connected to the dummy node instead of the endpoints connected to the original source and target node.
  2. Create a raster image or vector graphic of the desired arrow. Then add an edge label to your edge, set the arrow image/graphic as the label's icon, and move the label to the desired location along the edge.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
Can I make a scalable edge or arc?
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