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Can I make a scalable edge or arc?

0 votes
Hi Thomas,

Thanks for the reply, I've created the SVG file.

Is there a way I can use my edge/arc in the same way as the built in edges?

My arrow is a fixed length and although I can adjust the size, it would be much easier if I could just click on the first node and then the second?

Is this possible?


in Help by

1 Answer

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The size of arrows in yEd is not related to nodes in any way. (The size of the built-in arrows is affected by the edge line type thickness. However, this type of automatic size scaling cannot be reproduced with the  label icon workaround I described in my previous answer.)

That said, I get the feeling that we might mean different things when talking about edges/arcs and arrows.
To me, an edge is the connection between two nodes:

An arrow is a visual decoration at the endpoints of edges:

Now, what I was suggesting in my previous mail is creating a normal edge and adding a label with an icon:

Corresponding GraphML. (Note, this edge has not arrows in the technical sense.)


If you are actually asking how to re-use this edge style without having to go through the trouble of each time creating a label with an icon, then the answer is creating a user-defined palette section (see "Edit" -> "Manager Palette"), adding the edge to said palette (right-click the edge to open its context menu and choose "Add to Palette"), and finally double-clicking the new edge style template in the new palette section to set the style as the default edge style.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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