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Can I import a diagram from 'Dia'

0 votes
I would to switch over from using Dia, to yEd, I have some diagrams I would like to import.

There a quite a few export options from Dia, but none that yEd seems to be able to import (and remain editable, ie no picture formats) Is this possible?


Thanks for your help
in Help by

1 Answer

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Best answer
No, unfortunately not.

Since Dia's native format is XML, you might be able to create an XSLT stylesheet to transform (uncompressed) *.dia files to *.grapml. Due to the different approaches to diagramming in Dia and yEd, this will probably only work for rather simple diagrams (if it works at all) where it is easy to map Dia shapes to yEd nodes and edges.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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