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[Efficiency/Ergonomy] Create Child Node by Hotkey and Determine Direction

0 votes

In the software "smartdraw" you can efficiently create a new node above / right / under / left of the selected node by pressing an arrow key.
In yed, a child is created by pressing ctrl-w, but the positioning is chosen by the program. When adding many nodes, it creates an "orthogonal-sine-wave" pattern, instead of just giving a line from right to left, or top down, or whatever.

PROPOSAL: It would enable an ultra-smooth workflow if it was possible to add a child and at the same time prescribe where it will be positioned in relation to the parent  node.

Perhaps the numpad would be ideal for this, giving 8 directions, ot the arrow keys, providing four directions.

Thanks for the great software. It's demanding, but very powerful. I also appreciate this well-done forum! Good luck and have fun with your work!

in Feature Requests by (170 points)
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