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How do I create a hierarchical graph starting from an index?

+1 vote

Hi everyone. 

I am new here, please sorry if my doubts are basic.

I have an index as table of content, such as:

1) Root

1.a) First part A

1.a.1) Option 1

1.a.2) Option 2

1.b) First part B

1.b.1) Option 1b

1.b.1.a) Case 1

1.b.1.b) Case 2

1.b.1.b.1) Example 1

1.c) First part C

and so on (I have many many voices).

So I have an index with an alphanumeric code and a title. I am interested in creating a sort of family tree or hierarchical graph, organizing it as the code says and using the titles ("Root", "first part A", etc.) as labels of my nodes.

I am able to divide titles from codes through Excel, and to divide each carachter of the code, too.

What I do not understand is how to prepare an excel table, through which yEd is able to convert my list in a graph like this:

Later I will ask how to set the entire graph in an A2 PDF.

I thank everyone who will answer my question!

Have a good day,


in Help by

1 Answer

+1 vote

Please see the sections on edge lists and node lists for Excel import in the yEd Manual.

Essentially, you will have to designate a 'node list' section in your spreadsheet that has exactly one row for each topic in your table of contents. In this section there has to be one column that defines a unique ID for each topic. (E.g. in the node list section in the manual, the 'Name' column defines the unique IDs.)
Additionally, you will have to designate a 'edge list' section in yout spreadsheet that has exactly one row for each connection between your topics. In this section there has to be one column that defines the "source topic" for the connection by referencing one of the aforementioned IDs and one column that defines the "target topic" for the connection by referencing one of the aforementioned IDs. (E.g. in the edge list section in the manual, the 'Source' column defines the ID for the connection's start element and the 'Target' column defines the ID for the connection's end element.)

by [yWorks] (162k points)
edited by
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