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Flatwise horizontal edges in swimlane diagrams?

0 votes

In the Flowchart layout, there is an option to have Flatwise edges - that is, edges which are horizontal instead of moving down to the next layer.

[A]---[B] (flatwise)

    [B] (without flatwise)


Is there a way to have that functionality in a swimlane? It would make the graph much more compact. I've been using the sketch function, but it would be great to have it automatic.


in Help by (420 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
As of yEd 3.16 hierarchic layout and swimlane hierarchic layout offer the option of deducing the edge direction from the edge style's chosen arrow (see option "Arrows define Edge Direction" on tab "Edges" in the algorithm settings).  With this option enabled (which is the default), edges without any arrows or arrows at both ends are considered "undirected". Undirected edges will usually be routed in the desired "flatwise" way.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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