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Automatic text wrapping for Edge labels

+4 votes
Hi there!

Is it possible to implement Automatic text wrapping for edge labels?

It is not comfortable to place line breaks in text of an edge's label.
in Feature Requests by
edited by

1 Answer

0 votes
How would you determine *when* to wrap the entered text?
by [yWorks] (162k points)
For example to make resizable area for edge's label. so text will be wrapped within label's borders
Surely that's the point... you wrap a label when the default text font/size is expected to fall outwith the bounds of the node...?!
yEd is clearly years ahead of pedestrian software like MS Powerpoint, and seemingly more advanced than Visio; but if they can get auto text wrapping right, why not yEd?!
Yes, that is the point: For an *edge* label there is no *node*!
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