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Place of birth in Famioly Tree Layout from GEDCOM PLAC data

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How would I go on to make additional GEDCOM data to show up in my family tree? I need to show the PLACE attribute along with the dates (place of birth and place of death).

Data is imported, so that I can see it in the properties view, and the properties mapper might be able to do things like this, but I'm all new to yEd, and I can't seem to find the PLAC attribute in the dropboxes of the properties mapper.

Is it possible do add PLACE data after the birth and death dates?

Best regards,
Andreas Jansson

in Help by

1 Answer

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After importing the *.ged GEDCOM file, you can indeed use yEd's properties mapper to extract the birth place information from the BIRT property:

If you have individuals with a death date and individuals without a death date, the original GEDCOM import will generate nodes with three labels for individuals with a death date and nodes with two labels for without a death date. Since properties mapper does not support writing to the third label for some nodes and to the fourth label for other nodes, you will have to create a third dummy label for all those individuals without a death date manually to ensure that the above approach works as intended.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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