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How to print out a graph over more pages

0 votes
Is there a setting that yEd prints a graph on several pages automatically? there is no way to read a huge graph printed on one page.


in Help by

1 Answer

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"File" -> "Print Preview", "Settings" or simply "File" -> "Print" will display a dialog with printing options:

where it is possible to specify poster rows and poster columns. If you do so, your diagram will be spread over (rows x columns) pages.

Alternatively, export your graph to PDF with option "Automatic Page Settings" on tab "PDF" deactivated and option "Activate Tiling" on tab "Tiling" activated. This will generated a mutli-page PDF document which offers the additional benefit of you being able to review how your diagram is spread over the pages before printing.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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